Arrange to Change Provides Specialized Moving Services and Home Organizing

Joan Hurley, Certified Home Organizer® in Northeast Georgia, lightens your load to make your move a success.  


We interviewed Joan to learn more about her and what you can expect from a typical organizing session.

What (or who)  inspired you to become an Organizer?

I was inspired to become an Organizer while taking an outsourcing course that included career assessments, testing and career counseling. I quickly noticed that the similar organizing tasks in previous professions that I enjoyed were also the duties included in management roles where I performed my best and that organized practices were where my teams rated me highly. 


How has becoming an Organizer impacted your life?

Helping people has given my life renewed purpose. Running my own business Arrange to Change has challenged me way beyond my expectations.  

How has your past career or education tied in to becoming an Organizer?

My education in Social Work and careers in Allied Health involved teaching and coaching, And years of experience in banquets and restaurant management involved organization and execution. 

Who are your ideal clients (or what is your niche)?

I am a generalist. I have experience in multiple types of home organizing and in moving families all over the United States. My niche is a Move Organizer. I personally made several successful International moves and have literally moved myself more than most people I know. When I looked into this profession, I realized that I held several skill sets that can help my clients both emotionally and tangibly.

What drives your clients to hire a professional organizer?

Feeling overwhelmed.

Feeling behind, Urgency. Procrastination. Hope, wanting to start over. Readiness to Change. Delegating due to physicality. Delegating due to constraint. Delegating to a professional. 

Is there a popular season or off-season for professional organizing in Georgia?

Preparing to move & moving was typically Spring/Fall. Covid’s Real Estate boom effect is non-stop. The popular seasons for home organizing and storage clear outs or reorganizing was the first of the year and summer. 

Tell me a little bit about how you approach organizing, or your philosophy?

My approach is primarily hands-on. I show clients for the sake of volume and time, I’ll help with the forest then, they’ll see the trees and make their own decisions. An open and honest approach often includes humor to lighten the load. 

My philosophy is the same when organizing, downsizing, packing or unpacking, I still sort like items, groups, zones and everything has a home. 

What sorts of challenges can you help with? What opportunities are individuals likely to miss if they try to complete the organization work themselves? 

Moves and decluttering involve some level of anxiety to most clients. In addition, many moves involve family dynamics, divvying up between multiple family members, moving to multiple locations and challenges of letting go. Aging parents, busy career lives, empty nesters, family travel and second homes propose other challenges. An organized move provides them closure, alleviates stress and second guessing as well as support, empathy and respect needed in transition. Professional Organizing, Packing and Unpacking helps clients to secure fine art and valuables and create storage solutions, saving time and energy while they make decisions and plan moves or renovations.

Is there anything you wish your clients knew before contacting you? 

It’s nice for clients to know that I organize solo or together with clients. Many of my clients need someone who can do the projects because they are not able to be there or physically able to do it. I pack/unpack/organize independently, parallel to other home maintenance or home contractors.

And I subcontract with a moving team. Whatever fits their needs. 

Are there any current projects or services that you'd like to highlight?

I offer home pre staging services successful for real estate listing photos, prepare homes for sale, arranging the clients  furniture and décor.

Current projects include packing a 6000 sq. ft. house for a client move, organizing multiple phases for their contents, unpacking and arranging the interior of their new 3,200 sq. ft. townhome.  

Joan Hurley is the owner of Arrange to Change in NE Georgia.

You can reach Joan here:

Arrange To Change

(770) 530-2466


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