Organized Jill in Winston-Salem Brings Calmness and Clarity to the Home

Jill Moore, owner of Organized Jill in Winston-Salem North Carolina believes that the best approach to organizing a home is setting up systems in a smart and deliberate manner. Jill knows that when spaces are transformed from hectic to organized in a few short hours, it reduces overwhelm and leads to long term successes. 


We interviewed Jill to learn more about her and what you can expect from a typical organizing session.

What (or who)  inspired you to become an Organizer? 

I was inspired to become a Professional Home Organizer when the world was introduced to Marie Kondo when her book and tv show hit the mainstream and created a frenzy of decluttering. After reading and re-reading her book several times, I implemented her systems in my own home over the course of the following weeks. A few years later when The Home Edit made their splash, I combined the concepts of Marie Kondo's teachings brought to life with the pop of color and style of The Home Edit and decided it was time to launch my own Home Organization company. After earning my Advanced International Organizing Professional certification from QC Design School, I opened my business and never looked back. 

How has becoming an Organizer impacted your life?

Having the opportunity to work every day with so many amazing families, each with their own unique stories, has been such an honor. Being invited into private spaces in homes, listening to people share their intimate thoughts and feelings, and being able to be a support through their challenges and a confidant in their moments of vulnerability is not something that we take lightly. We build trust with new clients by letting them know that their experiences with clutter are normal and that most people go through similar situations that have caused clutter to accumulate. We create comfort by saying that "we've been in everyone's underwear drawer in Winston-Salem, and there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about". When we're able to take the burden of clutter off our clients' shoulders and create something beautiful, it really is an impactful experience for everyone. It's that butterfly moment when the client exclaims "Wow! It's so beautiful, I love it" that drives us to continue to grow in our community and excel in our work.  


How has your past career or education tied in to becoming an Organizer?

In the first 15 years of my professional working life, I did accounting for a Real Estate company along with onboarding, support, and offboarding Realtors. I processed sales commissions as well as managed the rental finances of several hundred property owners. Learning how to resolve issues in an office setting, as well as learning how to balance the books, work on the back end of websites, organize company functions, keep the office organized and running on a daily basis has helped tremendously in keeping on top of the less exciting and less "pretty side" of running my own company. 


Who are your ideal clients (or what is your niche)?

Our niche is kitchens, pantries, closets, and custom closet installations. Although we also organize plenty of playrooms, offices, man  caves, & craft rooms, organizing the heart of the home and the areas where there are daily activities that impact the rest of our day is really what makes us tick. Being able to quickly find an outfit that you feel great in when you put it on, and being able to assemble lunch while scrambling eggs before getting everyone out the door in a timely manner can make or break the day from the get-go. It's not arbitrary or accidental that we set up systems in a smart and deliberate manner. It makes a difference to our clients when their spaces are transformed from hectic to organized in a few short hours. 


What drives your clients to hire a professional organizer? 

People are overwhelmed by the clutter and don't know where to start. We live in a time where it is very easy and convenient to fill our homes with clothes, toys, technology, and food, but if there aren't systems in place for managing inventory, rotating items in and out, and places to maintain items until it is time to use them, things can quickly get out of control. The thought of taking all your clothes out of the closet or all the food out of the pantry to sort, declutter, zone, categorize, organize, and label can be a daunting task.  When I go into a home for a consultation, at first glance I already know what the end result of a closet or pantry will look like. I instinctively know what products will be beneficial for long term results. The market has been inundated with products designed to help us get organized, and that can be a bit intimidating for many people to choose the items that are right for their needs. Having someone make those decisions and do the heavy lifting is a very motivating factor. Wanting a functional, sustainable, and beautiful end result also prompts clients to reserve their coveted dates on the Organizer's calendar. 


Is there a popular season or off-season for professional organizing in Winston-Salem? 

I have not found that there are many slow times in organizing. Our lives are always in flux and transition, no matter the time of year. We tend to be busiest around the holidays, after the new year, and when school either just starts or finishes for the year, however there is a year-round need for Professional Home Organizers. Depending on if there are young ones in the home often influences when people decide to get organized. While a lot of my singles & empty-nest clients have more flexibility, those with littles in the house prefer to book when school is in session. 


Tell me a little bit about how you approach organizing--or your philosophy?

I approach organizing the same way you "eat an elephant" (I'm a vegetarian.. no elephants were harmed in the writing of this article) One bite at a time. Sometimes when potential clients bravely initially open the doors to their closets during a consultation and we can't see the floor or find the back wall, they can have that feeling of "oh my goodness, what have I done? What am I getting myself into? What is it going to look like when it's done? Is it going to be worth the money?" 100% of the time, our clients have been thrilled with the results... even when they feared the process. There is definitely a lot of psychology involved when we pile all the clothes on to the bed and it towers over our heads. As we're sorting each article of clothing, I take the time to read people's expressions and body language and hear the tone of their voice change. But, one bite at a time, chaos becomes calm, and clutter makes way for clarity. 


What sorts of challenges can you help with? What opportunities are individuals likely to miss if they try to complete the organization work themselves? 

One of the reasons why people reach out to Professional Home Organizers is the same reason they would hire many home-based service providers. Many people can cut their own lawn, but someone who cuts lawns for a living will leave that polished edge, that sparkle, that true landscaped beauty that most homeowners don't have the time, energy, knowledge, perfected technique, or desire to implement. Hiring a professional can help save time and money in the long run by having things done right the first time. We help with the challenge of clutter overwhelm, proper product selection, and putting that extra glimmer and cherry on top of a project well-done. 

Recent Projects by Organized Jill

Is there anything you wish your clients knew before contacting you? 

There is nothing to be embarrassed or nervous about. Clutter happens, we're here to help. Asking for help is the hardest part of the whole process. After that, you'll have our support, skills, and expertise to get through the rest. 


Are there any current projects or services that you'd like to highlight?

We have been so excited to be transforming so many closets with custom closet systems. Bringing out the full potential in a space with optimized and customized storage options designed specifically for your space is invigorating. Closets are full of some of our most beloved, precious, and oftentimes, most expensive items in our homes. Clothes are just the tip of the iceberg of what people store in their closets. From fabulous handbags and shoes, to spectacular tie collections, and cherished memorabilia, nothing is more special than having a space really shine by showcasing belongings as they are meant to be enjoyed. 

You can reach Jill Moore at:


@organizedjill on Instagram and


Organized Interiors, LLC in Richmond, VA use a human-centered approach to create holistic organizing solutions for Home and Business


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