Member Discounts
Member Discounts
Take advantage of the discounts and other benefits that you receive as a member of ASPO. We are continually updating and welcome your suggestions.
Learn Interior Decorating, Home Staging, Aging in Place, Feng Shui and more!
ASPO Members receive an exclusive 10% off all of the QC Design School courses. To receive your discount, members just need to email proof of membership - your ASPO Membership Card - to
ASPO Members are eligible for Professional Trade Discounts of up to 20% with The Container Store.
You will need to provide proof of membership - your ASPO membership card.
The Container Store Trade Program offers up to 20% off Elfa, 15% off Avers, 10% off Laren and 10% off most other TCS products.
You must apply for this discount through the Container Store Trade Program.
Click here for details and the application.
Invisawear is a safety device disguised as jewelry and everyday accessories.
ASPO Members receive a 10% discount on all Invisawear products.
Click here for fast access or use PROMO code: INVISAWEAR-VK25MV at checkout.