Professional Organizing is Perfect Part-Time

Many prospective and new organizers ask if they can do this work part-time.

The answer is yes!

In fact, you may find that most organizers ARE part-time.  


When you think about it, every organizer actually starts part-time. I didn't have a full book of clients scheduled when I started.  That happened over time. And the truth is, after more than 20 years as a Pro Organizer,  I still choose if I want to work full or part-time on any given week. 

There are many aspiring organizers who don't want to work full time; or aren't able to work full time. They ask if evenings and weekends could work and again I think the answer is yes. I don't work evenings or rarely do I work weekends as an organizer so who can help those clients? Maybe it's you!

Just as there are many different types of organizing and styles of organizing there are choices of when we can work.  

Your client may work during the day and prefer a late afternoon or evening session.

You may have obligations three days a week and can choose to work two days a week. 

Perhaps you are just getting started,  have a regular Monday through Friday job and want to try working weekends. 

Or you may just be looking to work permanantly part-time to have the freedom to enjoy other activities in your life.   


How to get started:

In addition to joining a supportive organization like ASPO, it's really fun to work and collaborate with another organizer.  So if you're wondering whether you can do this work part-time, I highly recommend that you consider working on a team with an established organizer who'd love your enthusiasm and energy. 

If you’d like to start your own part-time business and be your own boss, then I encourage you to learn everything you can with the ASPO Simple Systems™ Certification courses.  

Organizing part-time is just as rewarding as organizing full time!   

Thalia Poulos is the President of ASPO, and owner of Organized Beautifully in Encinitas, CA.  Thalia is the author of  From Disorganized to Organized Beautifully: How Six Organizing Personality Styles Got Organized & How You Can Too!  Find it here on Amazon.  


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